Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreIn this episode, George points out a really interesting little subreddit that might provide some inspiration to conlangers. Links and Resources Etymology Maps subreddit camel clock beer Jew
Posts Tagged: conlang
Conlangery SPECIAL: Changing of the Guard at the LCS Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreGeorge recorded a special interview with David J Peterson and Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets to talk about some recent events at the Language Creation Society.
Conlangery #97: Interview with Britton Watkins Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreToday we interview conlanger Britton Watkins about his journey from natlang enthusiasm through Vulcan and Na’vi fandom to creating a conlang for his and his husband’s ‘nano-budget’ movie. Senn
Conlangery SHORTS #12: Verbs in Uskra Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreBianca tells us a little about the verbal system of Uskra, one of her conlangs, and how she played with giving grammatical forms multiple uses.
Conlangery #96: Where did my Nominative go? Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreGeorge and William have a discussion of those times when the subject isn’t in the case you might expect it to be in. Links and Resources: Wikipedia on Quirky Subject Subject cases in Sadani Oblique subjects in Slavic (handout/ PowerPoint) Warlpiri Comparative study with lots of… Read more »
Conlangery #95: Weird Ideas for Auxlangs Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreToday we talk about a bunch of wacky and wonderful auxlangs. Links and Resources: Real Character Caracteristica universalis aUI (Wikipedia, original site, a not-so-friendly review) Dnghu Babm Blissymbolics (official site, Wikipedia) Solresol
Conlangery #94: Face and Politeness Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreWe go over politeness theory and discuss its implications for creating interesting conlangs and concultural interactions. Top of Show Greeting: Zametulian Links and Resources: Wikipedia on Politeness Theory Lecture notes on the subject (with some critiques) Power Point slides with good English examples Another Wikipedia article on… Read more »
Conlangery #93: Basque/Euskara (natlang) Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreToday, William is gone, but we have Christophe Grandsire-Koevets on as a special guest to discuss one of his favorite natlang inspirations, Basque. Top of Show Greeting: Palethian Links and Resources: Theories on Basque’s origins (Spanish) Grammar of Basque Some useful charts and such (French) Another grammar… Read more »
Conlangery #92: The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreWe go over the basic premise of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and it’s (limited) usefulness to naturalistic conlanging, with a couple of tangents here and there. Top of Show Greeting: Danish (translated by Samuel Kilsholm) Links and Resources: Wikipedia entry on linguistic relativity Linguistic determinism Experimental languages Verb… Read more »
Conlangery #91: Srínawésin Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreToday we talk about a language of dragons. It’s really, really hard to pronounce. Top of show Greeting: Jesesç Srínawésin grammar and dictionary: Section I Section II and III Section IV Section V Section VI Section VII Section VIII Lexicon of Verb Roots and Thesaurus
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