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Conlangery 148 medallion

George interviews Lauren Gawne of Superlinguo and Lingthusiasm about her work on Aramteskan for the Shadowscent book series as well as her other work with authors.

Top of Show Greeting: Swedish (Umeå dialect, translated by Ruben Drott)

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Transcript coming soon

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Conlangery Short 35 medallion

George wants to talk to writers, filmmakers, and creatives about how conlangs can benefit worldbuilding, and how you can go about getting one made.


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Conlangery Short 34 medallion

George uses some research into the etymology of coronavirus to launch into a way to build a story around the etymology of a word.

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Original Script

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Conlangery 147 medallion

George and Joey Windsor use the various names of COVID-19 as a jumping off point to talk about naming diseases. Note that this episode was recorded in May, and quite a lot has changed in the intervening time.

Top of Show Greeting: Chátsu

Special mentions (from top of show note): A list of BLM charities, When We Stay In, Corley English (YouTube, Bilibili, website)

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Conlangery Shorts 33 medallion

George shares some ambitious plans for a new world with lots of naming languages.

Map of the migrations in this conworld. Darker color is the urheimat, ligher is my first stage migration. The story is planned to take place near the triangular sea in the southeast quadrant.
Natural color map of my conworld as it stands now, to give a clearer idea of the environments involved.



Welcome to Conlangery, the podcast about constructed languages and the people who create them. I’m George Corley. I’m doing a short this month, as being at home for me actually means I have less time, mainly due to small children. In what time I have, I’ve been able to do a little bit of conlanging, and I wanted to share a little bit about my plans there.

Before we get to that, Conlangery is entirely supported by our patrons on Patreon. I know that there’s a lot of uncertainty right now, but if you like Conlangery, and you’re able to throw a buck at us, is where you can do that. Recently, I have been working on writing what now looks to be a novella. It’s set at a fantastical university with the equivalent of graduate students preparing for their final test by inventing new spells.

One thing I want to do with this world is to create a number of naming languages. The primary characters come from two different cultures, and one of them has ancestry from another one. Currently all of the characters have placeholder names, some of which are fantasy names made up on the spot, like Hregan, Chan, and Siira, which may or may not survive, and some of which are just variables like Masters A, B, C, D, and E. Those will not survive.

My aim is to create enough naming languages with enough history that I can expand them into full languages later without losing continuity. As such, I’m doing a lot more historical work than you would necessarily need with a naming language. I want these languages to have evolved and branched off into families to generate a ton of different names I can work with, and I want an idea of what cultures were in contact when, so that I can later figure out loan words and influences.

Right now I have a number of proto-languages started. I started off generating a bunch of phonologies in gleb. Then, I selected a few that I liked and came up with a few initial sound changes just to give them a little bit of allophony. From there, my plan is to evolve each language in stages, going around 1,000 years at a time until I have 3-5 millenia covered. It’s a bit ambitious, but I want the option to have large, deep language families where I want them.

As far as tools I’m using here, in addition to gleb, I’m also using William’s lexifer to generate words and JS Bangs’ Phonix to apply sound changes. I did a short about Phonix some time ago, and I believe lexifer has been mentioned on the show. They’re both command-line tools that work from a text-based definition file.

I also inform my sound changes with Contrastive Hierarchies, like those that Joey Windsor discusses in his LCC talks. I do things a bit differently from him in that I use a different feature set, based on work by Avery and Idsardi, which combines with the Contrastive Hierarchy to leave me with really seriously underspecified segments. I may do a future episode on these features. They’re interesting to use, but not necessarily for everyone, and there are some tricky bits and some things they don’t do perfectly. For one thing, you need to be okay with the fact that one segment ends up with no features at all.

I’m going to link to the Google Docs where I’m working on these languages so people can look at what I’ve done so far.

The first one, labeled the “Ankong” family has a three-way laryngeal distinction (plain, voiced, and aspirated). I plan on having tonogenesis develop in the branch of this family that I will be using, and I can already see the avenues for that. I like the prospect of the three-way distinction, as I can easily lose voicing to tonogenesis, and I also have an easy way to get final glottal stops. Although I don’t generally like cultural coding, because of some personal aspects of the story, this culture will probably be inspired somewhat by Chinese culture. We’ll see how it goes, as I do need to think in terms of where they will be on the map and what that environment will do to the culture.

The second family, the “Ingar” family, is a really interesting situation. I’ve got a big, unwieldy vowel system, with nasalization and too many central vowels. I plan on doing a lot of work with the vowels, partly to tame those central vowels (I find it difficult to distinguish /ɜ/ and /ɘ/, anyway, and would prefer just a schwa). Then I’ll see if I can artfully get rid of nasal vowels. You can see the first step in my central vowel taming in the initial sound changes, where I’m assimilating them to front and back. This culture will be somewhat more European inspired, again for personal reasons, with the same caveats.

I have a third family named “X” for now. I’m not sure what to do with it at the moment. It’s an interesting system, with an oddly minimal, very symmetrical consonant system, paired with a seven vowel triangle. I definitely want to play around with it, just to see where I can take it. In any case, I will be having many more families in this world.

Right now, I am working on a map of this world in order to get a better picture of where languages are and how they end up interacting over time. It’s been a long time since I’ve worked with maps, and I’ve started to realize that they can be very important to worldbuilding. I previously abandoned one novel that I had started writing without a map, and I think part of me abandoning that world comes from not having a clear sense of where things are.

My current story takes place entirely in one location — a university located in one city — so I can at least write the narrative without a map, but I realize it would really help to know where my characters come from and where they are heading after the story, and it will be especially helpful as I develop my languages to know which languages interact at which stages.

This led me to look for ways to generate maps that would do some of the work on climates and realistic continents and whatnot for me, and I landed on a game in development called Songs of the Eons. It spits out very richly detailed maps that use all sorts of models to give you plate tectonics and climates and everything. It’s going to be a strategy game with richly modeled politics as well, but that’s not really what I am interested in. It will take some effort to transform this map into something that can be used in a book, since it’s built on a hex grid on a globe (with a couple pentagons somewhere), but I find the world generation really useful.

So I have generated some worlds with Songs of the Eons and picked one, and now I am going to work on the language expansions. At present, I have picked out the urheimats for ten different language families seeded around the world. I’m going to work out the stages of their migrations over time in order to get a handle on where family splits are and what languages will come into contact. I’m probably going to be seeking feedback about my migrations and such, as I’m getting a bit out of my depth there.

It’s interesting the amount of random generation I’m doing right now. I feel that it’s a useful way to get my juices flowing, as I have a lot of difficulty visualizing a map and putting it down from scratch.

So that’s where I’m at with the project. It’s quite ambitious, I will say, but I do hope to get some feedback from friends and the community on this. I am still continuing to write the novella, now on the second draft, but there will always be some details that have to be worked out later as I work out where things are and what happened when. Are your conlangs set in a fictional world? How did you develop that world? Did you work it out by hand, or do some procedural generation? I’d love to hear if others have had similar experiences.

Happy conlanging!

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Colangery 144 medallion

George brings on two conlanger DMs, Joey Windsor and David J Peterson, to discuss how to incorporate conlanging into Dungeons and Dragons and other role-playing games.

Top of Show Greeting: Boral (by Jack Keynes)

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