ANNOUNCEMENT: Patreon Fee Changes

Posted by & filed under News, Podcast. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreConlangery Statement on Patreon Fee Changes (audio and transcript) We use Patreon to get a little money to pay some of the site fees and such for Conlangery. Our Patreon has grown some since it started, and I’m grateful to all our Patrons. However, I need… Read more »

Conlangery #134: Converbs

Posted by & filed under Podcast.

Conlangery 134 medallion Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreToday, Matt Pearson joins George and William to talk about non-finite “adverbial” verb forms called converbs. Top of Show Greeting: Old Niveni Links and Resources: Imperative Converb in Archi (conference abstract) Expressing adverbial relations in clause linkage with converbs: definitional and typological considerations (workshop slides) Ylikoski,… Read more »