Conlangery has some new stuff. I wanted to move away from the conlang flag design and come up with something a little more unique for our logo-type stuff, so I solicited some conlanging communities for translations of “Conlangery” into their conscripts. The result is new album art and a new site banner.
The contibutions I used are as follows, listed left-to-right, top-to-bottom as they appear on the album art (pictured right), with what background info I’ve been given:
- Ayeri: Narānacan (literally na-rā-na-tya-n) /naˈraːnaʧan/ ‘Conlangery’, from narān ‘language’ + -ati ‘AGTZ’ + -an ‘NMLZ’
- Hwagak: Wéng Wén Ŕinggén /ˈweŋ.wen ˈɹɨŋ.ɡen/ build PAS language-INDF
- Himmaswa: Kangwauswa’iap /kaŋ.wɔ̰.swa.iə̯p̚/
- Klai: [pˡəːsa̰ː ɟlĩək̚ sʉð̞]
- South Eresian: p’eloniryos “abstract quality of creating languages”

- Ancaron: Sidanaspotcor[ʃɪˈdanasˈpotkoɚ] si-create-language (“Related to conlangs”)
- Itlani: sitsholenú construct-language-thing-plural
Again, this is probably the last time I will update the album art, except perhaps to tweak the positions a bit (it is a mite asymetrical at the top, and it’s definitely not as tight as some previous versions). However, you will have noticed that I changed the header. Since I had trouble fitting even more scripts on the header, I changed it so that on each page load a random script will appear in the header. As such, I’ll continue adding scripts to the header as long as people keep sending them to me, since all it takes is a little bit of time to put it together. Thanks everyone for all your help.
ABSOLUTE FINAL EDIT (really this time): Ok, I realized that I had forgotten Kamakawi in my previous “final” version, so I went a head and fiddled with the thing until now I am sick of dealing with it. You can get all the details in this new post. As I said before, I will still accept submissions for the header, since I’m not so limited in what I can display up there anymore.
Not wanting to start any argument, but shouldn’t the Sindarin version use something else than the joining of two roots? I mean root LAM + root CAR? Maybe you could go with ‘cared’ which is the gerund ‘doing, making’, but I think it would suffer not lenition but nasal mutation, although maybe it could also suffer some other kind of mutation (new mutations have been found in unpublished material from Tolkien). I suggest consulting
Note that I did not translate the Sindarin myself, and I really am not interested in learning Sindarin. As we said in our review of the language, there are many different Sindarins used by many different Tolkien researchers, mainly due to the fact that Tolkien’s never-ending tinkering essentially left a myriad of different versions. Apparently, you prefer one version and Roman Rausch prefers another.
I understand, but note that the only time Tolkien introduced the term “car” (this is in Etymologies) it meant “house, building”. Car- just like that is a verbal root, not a noun meaning “doing”. One could argue about what kind of ending to use (and this would lead to what you said about the versions), but using the bare root is something else. It’d be like saying that in Esperanto it is “lingvfar”.
I don’t mean to offend anyone in fact I love the show. Cheers!