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I have created a form for people to make suggestions about main topics as well as featured conlangs for the show.  Just click on the “suggestions” tab above.  Make sure you leave a good description of topics and include links for any featured conlangs, so that we know what you are talking about.

Also, I have set up a Google Voice for people to call in with voicemails.  The number is (304) 873-6281 and is a local call in West Union, WV (USA).  Please keep voicemails to one minute or less.  You can send in a recording of yourself to our email:

No Responses to “Topic Suggestion Form and Voicemail”

  1. Carsten B.


    Google Voice is not available in your country. Thanks for visiting Google Voice. We’re not yet open for users outside the US, but are planning to expand our service to additional countries in the future.

    My country is Germany. So if you want to have international callers, you might also want to offer Skype or something.

    [Hmm, I did not know that it wouldn’t work. You can’t even call the number on you phone? I’ll look into other options.]

      • admin

        Yeah, I understand that. Unfortunately Google Voice is free. An 800-mumber is not. If it helps, we do accept pre-recorded messages sent via email. Also, Skype rates to the US might be cheaper.

          • admin

            I don’t quite understand how that can be used for voicemail. Could give me a solution for recording the call separately from my own mike (which would solve some audio problems.

    • admin

      Can you elaborate? I apologize for deleting your comment before. I thought it was spam.

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